Thursday, April 10, 2008

Displays for LSU Middleton's Government Documents Department

Schedule for Upcoming Docs Department Displays/Events

I. Current through May 30:
Tax season information.

II. June 2 through Sept 5:
Convention/Presidential Election.

III. Sept.8-Nov. 7:
The Complete Persepolis—graphic novel for LSU summer reading program. Government Documents will have a display and an event in conjunction with LSU Centers for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's Summer Reading Program.

IV. Nov. 10-end of year:
“How a Bill Becomes a Law” : featuring GPO poster and documents used as examples of stages in the legislative process.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

News from Spring DLC

Spring DLC was held in Kansas City, MO this year. Please visit the FDLP Desktop to link to the proceedings and other materials available from the conference. I'd like to keep the dialogue about it on this blog limited to specific questions that you may have regarding any of the meetings or panels that interest or confound you. Please look over the proceedings and post away!

If we keep this forum open, and I don't have an answer, maybe someone else will.

Monday, April 7, 2008

GODORT Resolutions Crafted at ALA Midwinter

ALA GODORT UPDATE: The ALA Godort Legislation Committee met four times during the Midwinter meeting and, among other business, crafted the following resolutions: "Resolution on Tribal College Library Membership in the Federal Depository Library Program"; "Resolution on Full Funding for the Federal Digital System [FDsys]"; and "Resolution on Government Printing Office FY 2009 Appropriations." A fourth resolution, "Resolution on Safeguarding Electronic Government Information and E-Government," was drafted and approved at a joint meeting with COL-GIS (Committee on Legislation-Government Information Subcommittee).