Schedule for Upcoming Docs Department Displays/Events
I. Current through May 30:
Tax season information.
II. June 2 through Sept 5:
Convention/Presidential Election.
III. Sept.8-Nov. 7:
The Complete Persepolis—graphic novel for LSU summer reading program. Government Documents will have a display and an event in conjunction with LSU Centers for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's Summer Reading Program.
I. Current through May 30:
Tax season information.
II. June 2 through Sept 5:
Convention/Presidential Election.
III. Sept.8-Nov. 7:
The Complete Persepolis—graphic novel for LSU summer reading program. Government Documents will have a display and an event in conjunction with LSU Centers for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's Summer Reading Program.
IV. Nov. 10-end of year:
“How a Bill Becomes a Law” : featuring GPO poster and documents used as examples of stages in the legislative process.