It seems as if the 2008 LLA Conference in Shreveport were only yesterday; but, alas, it is time to start planning for 2009.
Beverly Laughlin's email of April 25 identifies the dates as March 12-14 and the location as the Hilton Hotel near the Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge.
What I'd like to do here on the blog is to open up a discussion on suggestions for GODORT programming. Right now, be open to all ideas, even wild and crazy ones--later on we can be more rational and cut out what won't mesh well with the overarching plans for the conference.
I think I mentioned at the breakfast in Shreveport that we might want to have a special guest from local government at the upcoming breakfast in Baton Rouge. So, along with other suggestions, would you all think about someone who might be appropriate for that occasion?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
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I would love to collaborate with someone (Stephanie and Cynthia expressed an interest) on doing a presentation on cool/interesting/funny/odd Louisiana gov docs. We got some real gems in our collections...
I am creating a Flickr account for our depository that showcases some of the covers/content that I'm scanning for these docs in our depository. We could present how to do this too...and I can create a Louisiana FDLP "Group" for all depositories to contribute content if they wanted to. That would be fun.
As LLA 2009 Annual Conference Program Committee Chair, I want to inform everybody of some things already in the works. This year's program structure is going to be very different from those in the past. First of all, if we in GODORT want to have a breakfast, it will need to be Saturday morning, since there will be an association-wide breakfast, sponsored by a vendor, on Friday morning. After that, Melissa plans a business meeting. Second, the program is going to be organized around the following tracks: "Facilities," "Administration/Leadership," "Marketing/Public Relations," "Serving Adults," "Serving Youths," "Technology," and "New Members." The purpose of using the tracks is to get us to think beyond just the members of our section to the greater library community, and the proposal form will be revised so that the sponsor can indicate which track the presentation is under. Third, and this is really news: the Program Committee has revised the deadlines for proposals. The proposals are due to Stephanie by Oct. 8 and to the Program Committee by Oct. 22. The Program Committee will not accept any proposals beyond this date, unless there is a cancellation, so please be prompt about turning in your proposals to Stephanie. Finally, this year's theme is "Together we make a difference!"
As soon as the changes in the proposal form have been approved and the revised form is posted to the web, I will use the blog to inform you.
If you have any questions about the tracking system, please contact me at
By the way, Stephanie, I still like the idea of having a special guest from local government at the breakfast. Did you have anyone in particular in mind?
Rebecca, there's been some interest expressed in having a program about using Flickr to publcize the library, so a "How to" presentation on this would be welcome.
We should always aim for the top when it comes to seeking out public officials - Bobby Jindal or Mitch Landrieu come to mind.... ;-)
I would like to do a presentation on State Prison literature. I think Rebecca's Flickr idea is great. I can certainly contribute. We could create a suite of presentations...Steph's cookbooks, my prisoners, Rebecca's "herbs" and then collaborate on the creation of the Flickr. Together, we can rock!
Just an idea.
I would like to do a grp presentation on "Louisiana Depository Supplementary Indexes". To do with a rep from each library on the list that I have updated as of Feb. 2005. I don't know if there is later. Focus on electronic resources and what is in the libraries of: LSU, Vernon Parish Library, NOPL, Louisiana Tech, U of LA at Lafayette, Loyoa Law.
Now we're getting somewhere! Keep the ideas coming in. I will try to create a special section in this blog just for Elissa so that she can share important deadlines, etc.
One of the suggested topics under the technical services track is "Weeding correctly and accurately." Would someone be interested in leading a session on reviewing how-to's of needs and offers?
Okay--I have made a special section for Elissa to send details and answer questions specific to the conference. It is called "Elissa Plank's FYI/FAQ Section," and it is located at the bottom of the blog, between the posts and the section on what is new at Middleton. If you have questions, follow the link to her email; she may answer you directly or put an answer for everyone to see in her section of the blog.
Since we didn't get to have our Census workshop in November, it might be good to do a Census-related session either as a pre-conference, or as a regular session. Melanie Sims made the arrangements for the November workshop, so she has the contact information for the lady who was going to speak for us then. If we can't arrange for someone from the Census Bureau to come, then I'd be willing to do a session on the American Factfinder site. If we do get someone from the Census Bureau to come, then I'd be willing to do a session on statistical sources published by Louisiana.
Getting back to this . . . . All of the suggestions are great, and Cynthia and I will start putting our heads together and pushing things forward. I'm especially interested in Michele's suggestion and Lori's suggestion ref the Census Workshop. I've participated in Census Workshops about 3 times now; and I know that if you don't keep that information fresh, it dissolves in your brain!
Update: On June 19, Elissa, Cynthia, and I will be attending a planning meeting for the 2009 LLA conference. After that, we will be able to start the ball really rolling and ask for more detailed suggestions/submissions. Meanwhile, keep the good ideas coming.
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