Monday, March 30, 2009

Public Printer Visits Two New Orleans Federal Depository Libraries

Some of you may already know that Robert Tapella, the Public Printer of the United States, visited two Depositories in Louisiana on Wednesday, March 11.

For more information on his visit to Tulane, follow this link:

For information on his visit to the Law Library of Louisiana, read below and see the photos to the right of this page:

Public Printer Bob Tapella Visits Law Library of Louisiana

On Wednesday, March 11, 2009, Public Printer Bob Tapella and his assistant, Trenholm Boggs, visited the Law Library of Louisiana. Georgia Chadwick, director of the Law Library, and Miriam Childs, the documents librarian, spoke with Mr. Tapella about the Law Library’s program. Among other things, Mr. Tapella discussed the replacement of GPO Access by FDSys and encouraged Georgia and Miriam to view the FDSys beta. Miriam reported one issue, concerning the length of time it has been taking to receive shipping lists for separates. In response to his question, Georgia Chadwick told Mr. Tapella that one of the most unusual items in the library’s documents collection is a virtually complete run, in print, of the Code of Federal Regulations, from 1937 to the present. During a tour of the collection, Mr. Tapella asked to see the very first CFR volume. Mr. Tapella posed with the volume, and Mr. Boggs took a photo, since it is a rare find. Georgia and Miriam are certain the Public Printer enjoyed his visit.

1 comment:

Stephanie Braunstein said...

Hey, Georgia and Miriam: When I was at Spring DLC last week in Tampa, Bob Tapella mentioned the visit and that he had seen a full set of CFR's at one of the Louisiana Depositories.