Friday, August 14, 2015

Accomplishments 2014/15

Thanks to Joe Paskoski's thoughtful shepherding, we have all lived through the Public Access Assessments.  Thank you all for cooperating with GPO, giving your time and answering lots of questions!

We have also finished the revision of the Louisiana State Plan.  Thanks to Melanie Sims for moving that project along to completion.  Most Selectives have already sent in the signed agreement form.  If you have not, please do so soon.

Because LSU Libraries was moving its web presence to Drupal, there was some delay in getting the new version of the Plan up on the LSU Gov Docs pages; but this should be remedied very soon.

Probably the biggest accomplishment in an FDL during this time was SUNO's Leonard S. Washington Memorial Library's finally moving into a refurbished building--a "real" library!  The official date of that event was September 18, 2014.  They had not been in a dedicated library space since they were damaged by Katrina.

Other accomplishments from 2014/15 that your FDL would like to share here?  Feel free to post anything you are proud of doing with your Fed Gov Docs.

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