Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Site for Federal Agencies

As many of you already know, LSU has an agreement with GPO to host a website of government agencies. This site was in place long before I arrived at LSU and represented the hard work of several Gov Docs Librarians and other Library staff members.
Recently, the LSU Libraries' web pages were revamped; and the government agency site got a new look. Check it out and marvel at the creative handiwork of LSU Reference Department's Angela VandenBroek.

Presentations for LLA in March

Cynthia DuBois and I will be guest editing an issue of Louisiana Libraries in Summer. The issue will be dedicated to the Conference in March--with special emphasis on publishing the best of the presentations.

If your presentation can be distilled into an article and offers new ideas or insights, it can get you a "two-fer." You can put both the presentation on your vita and the article about it!