Monday, November 17, 2008

The Most Recent Version of Appendix 5 to the State Plan: Discard Instructions

FDL's: Per our discussion at the meeting November 14, please read the most recent version of Appendix 5 to the State Plan. I have used a purple font for new information added to the previous draft (e.g., addresses of both regionals) and the latest versions of #4 & #5 below. If you have not already done so, please read and indicate acceptance by January 1, 2009.

Thanks and Happy New Year!



Guidelines for Discarding Government Documents

These guidelines are based on the online Federal Depository Library Handbook at Documents received through the Federal Depository Library Program belong to the federal government. A selective library must obtain permission from its primary regional library to discard depository material.

Items listed on a discard list must have been received in the depository library five or more years prior to the date of the discard request. Superseded items included on discard lists at the request of Louisiana’s Regional Depositories are an exception to the five-year rule. Selective libraries wishing to withdraw documents should consult the Federal Depository Library Handbook for general rules on how to treat withdrawn material. It should be noted that no library is required to discard any depository library materials.


1. Create a list of materials to be discarded:

Superseded materials should be on a separate list from regular discards.
Include all contact information on the list such as: library name, depository library number, e-mail address, and contact person.
List call numbers in SUDOC order.
Separate call numbers by format: Paper, electronic, microfiche, etc.
List the complete title of each publication
Indicate if the document is bound.
Serials should include the series title and holdings (vol., no., years)
If the material is in poor condition, please note this information.

In general practice, libraries are not required to list superseded materials but are encouraged to offer historical or significant materials. However, Louisiana Regionals have made certain exceptions to this policy/procedure, as follows:

Call numbers that have an “R” in the right hand column (refer to “Superseded List 2002” at The “R” indicates that Regional Libraries must retain these titles.
All “general publication” titles, such as: A 1.2:, HE 20.4002:, I 19.2:, T 22.2:, etc.
Titles that LATECH and LSU agreed to retain from the 1991 publication “Regional Libraries Superseded Decisions, 1989-1991.”
Other titles that the Regional Libraries have decided to retain. (Selective Libraries will receive a list of any titles that Regional Libraries retain based on local retention policy decisions. This list will be modified semi-annually, if needed).
Note: If a library supplements or replaces depository material by purchasing the same title in another format, e.g., microform or CD-ROM, the depository items cannot be bartered or exchanged and must be offered to the regional library if the purchasing library wishes to dispose of them. Under these circumstances, the discarding library does not need to adhere to the five-year retention period but may offer the depository items at the time of replacement.

2. Copies of the list should be sent, simultaneously to each of the regional libraries, indicating a deadline of three weeks. E-mail is the preferred method. All documents must be held until both regionals have responded to the discarding selective depository.

LSU Libraries
Middleton Library
Government Documents Dept., Room 53
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Stephanie Braunstein
and Doris Hutson

Fax: 225-578-6535

Louisiana Tech University, Prescott Memorial Library
Government Documents Department
Everett Street at the Columns
P.O. Box 10408
Ruston, LA 71272

Rita Franks

Fax: 318-257-2579

3. Within a few days of receiving the request, the regionals will each send an e-mail response to let the selective know that the list has been received.

4. Both regionals review the discard list to ensure that nothing is being offered that shouldn’t be and to determine if any of the materials are needed in the regional’s collection. Prior to the deadline, the primary regional will send an e-mail to the selective granting permission to withdraw the items and both regionals will request any items needed from the list. If a regional is not able to complete this within the three week deadline, it will contact the selective library and give a new deadline date.

The regional libraries have priority for all documents offered on any discard list. If both regional libraries request the same document, that document should be sent to the disposing library’s primary regional (see Appendix 4).

5. After receiving permission to discard items, the selective library will edit the Discard List to delete any items requested by the regionals and post this revised list to the Louisiana government documents listserv, Bayoudoc. Materials must be made available for a minimum of three weeks to allow other selective libraries sufficient time to request materials.

Note that any items from Superseded Lists that are NOT requested by either regional can be discarded immediately and do not need to be included in the revised list as sent to Bayoudoc.

Selective libraries receiving items from the list will be responsible for shipping costs. All libraries are encouraged to use the state courier service.

Remaining items of historical or significant nature should be offered through the National Needs and Offers List at and/or on GOVDOC-L.

6. After all reasonable efforts have been made to transfer the publications to other libraries, the depository library is authorized to dispose of the remaining items by means of any of the following:
a. Offer historical or significant sets to the U.S. Government Printing Office for digitization or housing in its dark or light archives;
b. Offer to other educational institutions;
c. Offer to private citizens;
d. Donate as paper to recyclers or paper drives;
e. Sell, either as secondhand book or waste paper. All depository publications remain the property of the U.S. Government. Therefore, the proceeds from the sale of any items, accompanied by a letter of explanation, should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
f. Destroy

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Been a Long, Long While . . . .

Since the Hurricane and the hectic months of September and October, I have not had much time to keep up with this blog. I'm checking in tonight to add pictures of things like our SuDoc Lounge event in September and the tour I took of the Readex Digital Operation in Chester, Vermont.

The SuDoc Lounge event was held in conjunction with LSU's Summer Reading Program. Incoming Freshmen were assigned to read the graphic novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. As a way of connecting our Documents' collection to this reading, we had a professor who is an expert on Iranian politics and culture come and speak about the Iranian Revolution of the late 1970's and its impact on U.S. politics. See the photo to the right of this post.

In October, I was invited to attend the annual Readex Digital Institute in Chester, Vermont. For three days, I was treated to intellectually stimulating discussions on digital technology and the future of communications. As a part of this experience, I was able to tour the Readex facility where they digitize or photograph print materials, turning them into electronic or microformat products.

The above photo shows the equipment and method used to scan a copy of the United States Serial Set. The most interesting aspect of this process is the use of a tiny vacuum arm that gently lifts each page onto the scanning screen--keeping the fragile book from being harmed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Post-Gustav Concerns & Ruminations

Let's just say that Bob Dylan was wrong: you DO need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Seriously, however, I want to begin this post by saying that if any of LSU's Selectives need assistance after the hurricane, please let me know as soon as possible. I will be back at the Library tomorrow to survey whatever damage we have sustained (so far, I'm told that windows on the 4th floor were blown out--but no word yet on how our basement fared; I may need a boat to navigate to my office), so call or email me then to let me know how you are all doing.

On the homefront: my house was temporarily barricaded by a small forest of downed trees; but, thank heaven, none of them actually crashed into the structure itself. Others in my neighborhood were not so lucky.

Comparing the bad to the good about this (or any other) hurricane (my first, ever), one can go on for days about the bad--destruction, mess, no utilities (heat, darkness, no way to cook a meal, food spoiled, etc.); but the good is perhaps a bit more subtle and more individual. The good things include the awareness that folks are eager to help one another out in ways above and beyond the call of duty; the knowledge that you can exist without electricity (not comfortably, of course, but exist you will), this includes the realization that low-tech things like candles and kerosene lamps are still vital (I was grateful for my early hippie back-to-the-land days when I learned to appreciate these simple resources); and the opportunity to rid oneself of things like "phantom food"--the stuff that has collected in the back of the fridge, not really edible still but not quite yet garbage--it all gets thrown away with a sense of relief. That refrigerator has not been this clean since the day it was delivered; even the floor in front of it is spotless--lots of leaking water made that possible.

I could go on, but I'm feeling the urge to get out in the yard and continue the clean-up there. Once again, if you have any needs that can be addressed by us here at LSU, please contact me. If I can get things worked out, I may plan a tour of local Selectives as soon as possible.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Display at Vernon Parish Library

Howard Coy, Director of Vernon Parish Library, sent me this photo of a docs display--so I thought I'd share it with everyone via the blog.

The photos in this display are taken from the 2007 Highlights of Louisiana Agriculture--a State of Louisiana document published by LSU's Ag Center.

If you have any photos of special displays you have done with docs (fed or state), send them to me; so I can publish on this blog.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Third Installment: Report from ALA GODORT

The final presenter at the June 28th Update meeting at ALA was Paul Musgrave, Special Assistant to the Director, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. Aside from the usual information you might expect to hear about a presidential library, the information most amusing (?) was that, at this point, there are still two separate locations for Nixon's presidential materials--the Library/Museum in California and the National Archives in Maryland. I'll bet you can guess why this particular President's papers were not all in one location--neat and tidy, as it were. Does the phrase "Deep Throat" help answer this question?


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Continuing Report from ALA GODORT

Continuing with the GODORT Update on Saturday, June 28, 2008:
Jennie Gerke and Kirsten Clark reported on the current status of the Gi21 Project (Government Information in the 21st Century).

This project "is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Additional support is provided by the University of Colorado at Boulder as well as Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records; New Mexico State Library; Wyoming State Library; and University of Utah."

The goal of the project is to train government documents librarians to educate non-documents library staff on how to work with government information. The first year of the project was devoted to creating training modules; the second is devoted to implementing these modules by offering onsite training sessions.

For more information on the program, see:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Reporting from ALA GODORT Annual 2008 in Anaheim

Highlights from the various GODORT meetings and programs at ALA Anaheim, June 26-July 2, 2008:

Submission I: Saturday, June 28: GODORT Update was held at the Marriott Hotel next to the Convention Center.

Justin Otto, FDTF Coordinator, made brief opening remarks and then introduced the Outgoing GODORT Chair, Bill Sleeman; the SLDTF Coordinator, Crenetha S. Brunson; and IDTF Coordinator, Marcy Allen.

The first presentation followed--an update of OSTI online services by Tim Byrne, Technical Reports Specialist, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Of the many resources mentioned by Tim, the following should be of value to all librarians needing quick and easy access to government sponsored scientific and technical research projects, reports, and other related documents:

This aggregator/gateway site provides access to 10 individual databases, such as "Energy Files: Energy Science and Technology Virtual Library"; "E-Print Network," a scientific and engineering peer-to-peer repository for ongoing (pre-publication) research in the basic and applied sciences; and "DOEpatents," a "database of patent information resulting from research sponsored by DOE and its predecessor agencies"--from the 1940s to current. Search capabilities include a federated search over all databases or specific searches in selected databases (for more information on federated searching in this site and in other government science and technology sites, see:
Another site discussed by Tim was The Global Science Gateway. It is a "federation of national science portals where research results are made available by participating nations" and is modeled after, hosted by OSTI. Go to and see for yourself how amazing this resource is (love that interactive map!).

One of the potentially most exciting aspects of this presentation was the announcement that OSTI is offering downloadable MARC records of the information located in the "Information Bridge" database (one of the 10 databases available via "ScienceAcelerator). For more information, contact

Monday, June 16, 2008

Proposed Change to Discard Policy--Appendix 5 to State Plan



Guidelines for Discarding Government Documents

These guidelines are based on the online Federal Depository Library Handbook at . Documents received through the Federal Depository Library Program belong to the federal government. A selective library must obtain permission from their primary regional library to discard depository material.

Items listed on a discard list must have been received in the depository library five or more years prior to the date of the discard request. Selective libraries wishing to withdraw documents should consult the Federal Depository Library Handbook (see URL above) for general rules on how to treat withdrawn material. It should be noted that no library is required to discard any depository library materials.

Discard lists are not to be sent in the month of September.


1. Create a list of materials to be discarded:

Include all contact information on the list such as: library name, depository library number, e-mail address, and contact person.
List call numbers in SUDOC order.
Separate call numbers by format: Paper, electronic, microfiche, etc.
List the complete title of each publication.
Indicate if the document is bound.
Serials should include the series title and holdings (vol., no., years).
If the material is in poor condition, please note this information.

In general practice, libraries are not required to list superseded materials but are encouraged to offer historical or significant materials. However, Louisiana Regionals have made certain exceptions to this policy/procedure, as follows:

Call numbers that have an “R” in the right hand column (refer to “Superseded List 2002” at The “R” indicates that Regional Libraries must retain these titles.
All “general publication” titles, such as: A 1.2:, HE 20.4002:, I 19.2:, T 22.2:, etc.
Titles that LATECH and LSU agreed to retain from the 1991 publication “Regional Libraries Superseded Decisions, 1989-1991.”
Other titles that the Regional Libraries have decided to retain. (Selective Libraries will receive a list of any titles that Regional Libraries retain based on local retention policy decisions. This list will be modified semi-annually, if needed).

Note: If a library supplements or replaces depository material by purchasing the same title in another format, e.g., microform or CD-ROM, the depository items cannot be bartered or exchanged and must be offered to the regional library if the purchasing library wishes to dispose of them. Under these circumstances, the discarding library does not need to adhere to the five-year retention period but may offer the depository items at the time of replacement.

2. Copies of the list should be sent, simultaneously, to each of the regional libraries indicating a deadline of three weeks. E-mail is the preferred method. All documents must be held until both regionals have responded to the discarding selective depository.

LSU Libraries
Stephanie Braunstein
Fax: 225-578-6535
cc to: Doris Hutson

Louisiana Tech University, Prescott Memorial Library
Rita Franks
Fax: 318-257-2579

3. Within a few days of receiving the request, the regionals will each send an e-mail response to let the selective know that the list has been received.

4. Both regionals review the discard list to ensure that nothing is being offered that shouldn’t be and to determine if any of the materials are needed in the regional’s collection. Prior to the deadline each regional will send an e-mail to the selective granting permission to withdraw the items and requesting any items needed from the list. If a regional is not able to complete this within the three week deadline, it will contact the selective library and give a new deadline date.

The regional libraries have priority for all documents offered on any discard list. If both regional libraries request the same document, that document should be sent to the disposing library’s primary regional (see Appendix 4).

5. After having received permission to discard, the selective library will edit the discard list to delete any items requested by the regionals and post the revised list to the Louisiana government documents listserv, Bayoudoc. Materials must be made available for a minimum of three weeks to allow other selective libraries sufficient time to request materials.

Selective libraries receiving items from the list will be responsible for shipping costs. All libraries are encouraged to use the state courier service.

Remaining items of historical or significant nature should be offered through the National Needs and Offers List at and/or on GOVDOC-L.

6. After all reasonable efforts have been made to transfer the publications to other libraries, the depository library is authorized to dispose of the remaining items by means of any of the following:
a. Offer historical or significant sets to the U.S. Government Printing Office for digitization or housing in its dark or light archives;
b. Offer to other educational institutions;
c. Offer to private citizens;
d. Donate as paper to recyclers or paper drives;
e. Sell, either as secondhand book or waste paper. All depository publications remain the property of the U.S. Government. Therefore, the proceeds from the sale of any items, accompanied by a letter of explanation, should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
f. Destroy

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Have you seen it yet?

The draft of the GPO study Regional Depository Libraries in the 21st Century: A Time for Change? has been posted on the FDLP Desktop. The draft itself runs 23 pages, but there are several pages of Appendices included. These Appendices are mostly comprised of the letters, etc. that were already linked on the Desktop; so you might not need to print the entire document.
Most important, of course, is the section on "Conclusions and Recommendations" (VI). Please take a moment to read these and let me know what you think. Also, as before, you can give feedback directly to GPO from the Desktop.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Link

I have just added a link to the Federal Depository Library Handbook; this link is now in the list at the bottom of this main page. For information specifically on "Disposal," see chapters 5 and 12 of the pdf. document.

Friday, May 23, 2008

From Your Regionals: Now It's Your Turn

What you are about to read has been several days in the making and is not intended to be interpreted as a defense of particular people or the institutions to which they belong. Instead, it is a measured response to the results of the Regional Directors’ Survey and to the comments made by individual members of the depository community. These results and comments are now available on the FDLP Desktop at
If this response is successful, what you will see is a philosophical analysis of human and organizational behavior as it impacts the current discussions about Regional Depository Libraries. The response is also an acknowledgment of the right for people to express their dissatisfaction with the current Regional System--and a plea for our depository libraries here in Louisiana to be more actively engaged in local policy/procedural issues that must, in turn, conform to the policies and procedures of the GPO/FDLP.
If everyone in the Louisiana Depository Community communicates forthrightly about both the good and the not-so-good aspects of our current system, we should be able to reach consensus and avoid the majority of problems that have been highlighted in some of the responses to GPO’s Regional Study. Two of the responses from Louisiana Selective Depositories were shared with others in our community before being posted on the Desktop; one of those responses was quite favorable, one was not. The not-so-favorable one made some good points, as you will see acknowledged below; but most of those points have their origins in the past—and we need to be looking toward the future if we want to make satisfactory changes to our environment. There was a third comment that appears to be from Louisiana (in spite of GPO’s efforts to camouflage all the responses, certain tell-tale culturally and geographically oriented words stood out in some of them). This third comment was hard-hitting and provocative enough to give rise to this response—and again, the emphasis in this response should not be construed as a rebuttal as much as a desire to open the dialogue further and address the needs of all Louisiana Depository Libraries, both Regionals and Selectives alike.
In the political arena, we hear a lot about “Special Interests” and how they control our government and, by extension, our society. However, before “Special Interests,” there were good old-fashioned “Self-Interests”—the most individuated level of “looking out for number one.”
According to a well-known online quotation resource,, the 17th century French writer Francois, Duc De La Rochefoucauld, had quite a lot to say about self-interest. Two examples follow:

Self-interest makes some people blind, and others sharp-sighted.

Virtues lose themselves in self-interest, as rivers in the sea.

Taking each of the above quotes in turn, it seems that (1) self-interest can be either bad or good, depending upon the circumstances and (2) self-interest—when considered “bad,” i.e. “non-virtuous”—diffuses or drowns out the better human qualities. The river-to-sea simile is especially pertinent to any discussion of how the greater good can either be compromised by self-interest or conversely be strengthened by it.
When reading the various responses to the Regional Depository Study/Survey, one cannot help but notice how differently each constituency of the FDLP has responded. While each constituency is not represented by only one position, a majority position clearly prevails. Thus, directors have a view; professional organizations have their views; Regional Librarians have a view; and Selective Librarians have theirs. The problem is that most of these views reflect only self-interested positions—or is that really a problem? Does the self-interest of directors, for instance, negatively impact the FDLP system in its entirety? Should Regional Librarians stop complaining about lack of support and resources because their concerns are seen as selfish? Should the needs of the Selectives dictate how the whole program is administered?
The problem is not really that everyone is self-interested—it’s reasonable to be one’s best supporter, but the problem is that each group is so blinded by its own needs that it is not allowing its virtues to blend into the greater sea to benefit all FDLP participants. These self-interested players need new glasses in order to be sharp-sighted enough to make necessary and, above all, fair and equitable changes to the program. Now that the metaphor has been mixed and stretched to its utmost limits (apologies to the Duc), let’s talk about how we here in Louisiana can work together for a better vision.
The interested FDLP participant who looks through the recently posted “Comments Received for GPO’s Study of Regional Depository Libraries” on the FDLP Desktop, will find that a certain number of Selectives are not happy with their Regionals’ services—and that at least a couple of those Selectives are from Louisiana. It appears that the unhappiness stems from the following feelings: that there is too much turn-over in Regional Librarians; that the Regional Librarians who do come to Louisiana are not experienced enough; that these inexperienced Regional Librarians have no resources for being trained themselves or for providing training to Selective Librarians; that there are no “back-up” Regional Librarians for those times when the Regional Librarian positions are not filled; and that—for one reason or another-- not enough is being done by these Regionals in the areas of quick response to disposal lists
While this list of concerns has some validity, it does not completely nor accurately reflect the current situation in our state. Yes, there were times when each Regional had no professional librarian in the position of Head of Documents; and yes, GPO does not rush in to train new Regional Librarians; and, of course, during the stress periods of post-hurricane life in southern Louisiana, discards were not managed in the same way that they normally would/should be. Nevertheless, we now do have two Regional Librarians (more than many states have) who are trying to get acclimated to new locations, climates (both literal and figurative), and intense academic workloads.
The institutions in which they work expect them to do more than Regional Depository duties—the percentage of time allotted to Depository duties in one of the institutions is 35%--less than half of the total workload for the position of Government Documents Librarian. This thirty-five percent is actually quite generous when compared to some job descriptions for Regional Librarians in the FDLP. That said, quite a bit can be accomplished in that time frame—but only if everyone involved understands everyone else’s situation and expectations are not unrealistically high.
In the end, trust and communication are key elements to making Louisiana Depository Libraries the best that they can be. The Regionals are often placed in the awkward position of trying to please the Selectives while honoring their duties to GPO. At times it seems as if many Selectives see GPO as an enemy and expect their Regionals to take their side in what they see as a battle. Perhaps at some time in the past, this mindset was accurate; but today, with the new and proven emphasis on a more friendly and helpful GPO, this kind of combative attitude is out of synch and counter-productive.
This reference to a “kinder/gentler” GPO is the perfect segue into the conclusion of this response: as depository libraries respond to GPO’s request for feedback on the “Newly Released Public Access Assessment Initial Review Documents,” Louisiana Federal Depositories could be participating in an open discussion about these documents. Perhaps today is a bit late to begin this dialog, since tomorrow is supposed to be the deadline for sending remarks in via the Desktop; but the issue is far from set in stone—and the administration at GPO has shown itself to be receptive to suggestions for any of its programs, especially those that have an impact on the basic functions of depositories.
In summary, your Regional Librarians are also of the “kinder and gentler” model and will be happy to listen to your ideas and receive your constructive criticism. The venues for sharing are many in this era of electronic communication: Bayoudoc; the Blog (now linked from LSU’s main docs page []); regular email; or even that old technology called the telephone can be used to express opinions, flattering or otherwise. Remember, however, that not everything can be done quickly, perfectly, and exactly the way one person wants it done. Trusting that things are being accomplished or will be accomplished to benefit the greatest number is vital to any successful group or organization. By trusting that your voice will at least be heard, you make it possible for everyone concerned to be respected and dealt with fairly and (hopefully) expeditiously. If you will excuse an old phrase from the sixties, it does seem pertinent to our current situation that if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Let’s be problem solvers and communicators and make Louisiana Depository Libraries the wonderful institutions and resources we know they can be—and let’s do it together.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Link to ALA GODORT Virtual Library Legislative Day Info.

Anyone interested in issues being promoted by ALA GODORT can connect to this site and see what we've been up to. As a member of the Legislative Committee, I worked on the draft of the handout supporting the CRS Resolution (Sen. Res. 401).

Virtual Library Legislative Day Activities:

Remember, you can use the handouts to state your own positions on these issues:

". . . please visit the links . . . , download the talking points and background materials, and . . . on either Tuesday, May 13th or on Wednesday, May 14th contact your legislators and let them know how these services will affect your ability to serve their constituents."

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

LLA GODORT: Program for next year

It seems as if the 2008 LLA Conference in Shreveport were only yesterday; but, alas, it is time to start planning for 2009.

Beverly Laughlin's email of April 25 identifies the dates as March 12-14 and the location as the Hilton Hotel near the Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge.
What I'd like to do here on the blog is to open up a discussion on suggestions for GODORT programming. Right now, be open to all ideas, even wild and crazy ones--later on we can be more rational and cut out what won't mesh well with the overarching plans for the conference.

I think I mentioned at the breakfast in Shreveport that we might want to have a special guest from local government at the upcoming breakfast in Baton Rouge. So, along with other suggestions, would you all think about someone who might be appropriate for that occasion?

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Request for Feedback--April 29, 2008

On Tuesday, April 29, I sent the following email:

I have volunteered to write up a section on standards and training for regional depositories. Would you all mind taking a moment to tell me what is most important to you in terms of expectations for regionals? If standards were to be developed and implemented, how would you like to see this done?

Any and all ideas welcome—but I need to have this pretty solid by end of day tomorrow (sorry, I also am suffering from the lack of time to actually think through some of these issues—the pressure is definitely on).


After that, I received emails from several of you and would like to share them with the group. I also posted the Draft of the ASERL Response. With Lori Smith's permission, I have copied her responses and posted them here as comments. Because I am using my own log-in to post her comments, the comments reference my name. Don't be fooled--they are really from Lori!

I am adding Ferol's and Howard's comments (with their permission)--but am adding them to a separate place on the blog. Look under the postings at the heading "Comments from You All Concerning Regional Issues."


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Response from ASERL to Study of Regionals


ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program Steering Committee response to GPO Study of Regional Depositories request
Regional libraries of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) are individually and collectively facing challenges that inhibit their ability to effectively deliver a high level of service to the selective libraries and populations of their regions. Collaboration is key to strengthening the ties among Regionals, and between Regionals and the selective libraries they serve. Formal collaboration, such as that proposed in the Kansas-Nebraska shared regional, is a vital component of the success of our Regional libraries as they respond to the changing environment for libraries and information services. Regional depository libraries are currently exploring collaborations in order to meet some of these challenges. It is our view that Congress and the Government Printing Office (GPO) should continue to encourage and support these collaborations.
Preservation: Support collaborative efforts to develop redundant electronic collections.
The goal of the FDLP is to provide no-fee access to current and historic government information, regardless of format, yet there is no distributed preservation strategy in place for the born-digital materials that increasingly make up the FDLP collection. To ensure that today's electronic government publications are freely available in the future, the GPO should continue working towards a distributed preservation strategy for both print and electronic materials.
Flexibility: Support continued flexibility for Regional libraries to manage their collections.
The current network of Regional libraries, with its redundant, poorly described tangible collections, provides an inefficient, informal, incomprehensive preservation strategy for printed and re-formatted government information. By proliferating multiple copies of all printed or re-formatted materials to each of the fifty-three Regional depository libraries and proscribing that they be retained, Congress and the GPO have attempted to ensure the long-term survival of tangible government information.
Regional depository libraries must continue to have flexibility in managing these collections – including the ability to continue to use re-formatting to preserve and make accessible older materials. Preservation reformatting is being used by many of our libraries for other non-FDLP materials, some of which are quite rare.
Access: Support collaborative efforts to catalog Regional library collections.
The lack of comprehensively cataloged Regional collections hinders access. Comprehensive cataloging strengthens the FDLP as a whole by providing public access to otherwise unidentifiable materials. Comprehensive cataloging of Regional library collections also aids the work proscribed in Title 44 Section 1912 – “assistance for depository libraries in the disposal of unwanted Government publications.” Regionals are currently attempting to collaborate by sharing information on retrospective cataloging projects in their institutions, but would greatly benefit from a renewed emphasis on cataloging of these older materials by the Federal Government.
Standards: Support collaborative efforts to define standards of service for Regional libraries.
There is no standard for evaluating a Regional depository. In many cases, services and access to depository resources are dependent on individuals, leading to inconsistencies across institutions as staff and administrators come and go. Participants in the FDLP are self-funded and voluntary, which makes it difficult to impose standards. However, Regional libraries should work toward consistent service across states, and Selectives need to know what to expect from their Regionals. Minimum standards should be developed, with input from the GPO, Regionals, and Selectives, and should be outlined in official FDLP documentation such as the FDLP Handbook. GPO should host an orientation for new Regional librarians prior to the Depository Library Conference, as a way to introduce new Regional depository librarians to some of the issues that they will face during their tenure. Positions continue to blur as depository coordinators also are expected to perform duties that in some cases are completely unrelated to depository operations. This makes education extremely important – both of new depository coordinators and of depository library administrators.

Copy from Current DTTP of 2008 Midwinter Highlights

GODORT 2008 Midwinter Meeting Highlights
Philadelphia, January 11–14, 2008

Philadelphia was the site of the 2008 Midwinter Meeting and what better place for GODORT members to come together to work on issues as well as have some fun. The Rare and Endangered Government Publications Committee arranged a wonderful tour of the Library Company, which was founded in 1731 by Benjamin Franklin as a subscription library. Then it was down to business.

The Awards Committee announced the following recipients: James Bennett Childs Award—Larry Romans; LexisNexis/GODORT/ALA “Documents to the People” Award—Mary Webb Prophet; Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award—Lily Wai; NewsBank/Readex/GODORT/ALA Catharine J. Reynolds Research Grant Award—Judith Downie; and the W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship—Ray Walling.

The Bylaws & Organization Committee worked on two bylaws changes. Membership approved the reduction of members in GITCO (Government Information Technology Committee) from 12 to 9. The Development Committee submitted a request to extend the term of the Development Committee Chair from one year to two years.

The Cataloging Committee reported that publication of RDA (Resource Description and Access)—which will replace AACR2—is set for next year, with the initial release at IFLA in Quebec. The committee also heard a report from GPO’s Laurie Hall who reported a misperception in the community regarding the quality of the EPA Harvesting Pilot Project as “perfect” documents. Her group is spending a lot of time trying to decide if retrieved items are (1) complete documents and (2) in scope. Ms. Hall also covered other items that have been announced on various electronic discussion lists recently.

The Conference Committee was hard at work planning the reception in Anaheim, which will be hosted by Chapman University.

The Development Committee introduced The Draft Guidelines for Managing Solicitations to Vendors and a Draft Solicitation Letter to Steering II. Work also began on a development plan of annual solicitation letters to GODORT members and others that will list several donation choices. Initial contact asking for contributions will be in February 2008.

The Education Committee held a discussion session on instructional technology and government information where participants shared what they are doing with course management software, webcasts, tutorials, podcasts, wikis, and widgets. A subgroup of the committee will revise a survey soliciting opinions on core competencies for new government information specialists and general government information competencies for non-specialists. The committee began the transfer of the GODORT Clearinghouse & Handout Exchange to the GODORT wiki. Once complete, new content will be solicited. The committee will be constructing virtual program proposals to submit to GPO for production using GPO’s OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries) license.

The Membership Committee began a survey that will help the strategic planning process. Several focus groups will be held this next year to allow members to share their thoughts with the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee.

The Nominating Committee had the following slate approved by Steering: GODORT Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect: Amy West and Valerie Glenn; Secretary: Yadira Payne and Kathy Brazee; Awards Committee: Laura Sare, Lynda Kellam, Dan Barkley, and Sarah Maximiek; Bylaws Committee: Barbara Miller and Aimee Quinn; Nominating Committee: Mark Scott, David Griffiths, Beth Clausen, and Marilyn Von Seggern; Publications Committee Chair/Chair-Elect: John Stevenson; Federal Documents Task Force Assistant Coordinator/Coordinator-Elect: Kristen Clark; Federal Documents Task Force Secretary: Laura Horne; International Task Force Assistant Coordinator/Coordinator-Elect: David Oldenkamp and Richard Guajardo; International Documents Task Force Secretary: Sandhya Srivastava and Susan Bennett White; State and Local Documents Task Force Assistant Coordinator/Coordinator- Elect: Suzanne Sears and Rich Gause; State and Local Documents Task Force Secretary: Samantha Hager and Annalise Sklar.

The Program Committee had a program and a preconference approved for the 2009 Annual Conference. The program will be focused on government documents for kids tentatively titled “GovDocs Kids Group Presents: Learn and Have Fun with Government Documents.” A preconference focused on urban planning from 1909 forward was approved and will be very timely in Chicago because itis the site of the American Planning Association.

The Publications Committee continues to be very busy with the new book edited by Andrea Morrison, Managing Electronic Government Information in Libraries: Issues and Practices due out in March 2008 and published by ALA Editions on behalf of GODORT. Plus, a new “Occasional Papers” series was approved and contributions will be solicited. The DttP editor’s term is over with issue 2 in 2009, so those of you interested in editing, please look for the job description coming soon.

The task forces were busy with the State & Local Documents Task Force voted to work with the Rare and Endangered Government Publications Committee to form a working group to develop a plan for creating a list on the wiki of state projects on preserving/ capturing born digital documents. The International Documents Task Force created an ad hoc working group to explore the possibility and interest in adding non-governmental organization information into the purpose of the Task Force to create a place for the discussion of NGO information. And the Task Force for Electronic Archiving looked at ways to archive GODORT’s web and electronic communications. Their report is available on the GODORT web site.

The GODORT Treasurer reported that at the end of the ALA fiscal year (Aug. 31, 2007) GODORT was doing well. Many people contributed to the Rozkuszka Scholarship and the endowment. We collected $246 in change at the Membership meeting for the Rozkuszka Scholarship.

The Steering Committee approved extending the term of the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee for two more years. And once again, the electronic discussion list was discussed and a new proposal to make this list more of a discussion list led by Steering members was approved by GODORT membership.

E-government was a hot topic with the Legislation Committee working with the Government Information Subcommittee of ALA’s Committee on Legislation (COL-GIS). Their discussion raised the issue for a need for clarity on a definition of e-government and for a venue within ALA for discussing e-government; that the discussion on e-government needs to bring in voices from across the association, including (especially) public libraries; and that e-government is important at the state and local levels as well as federal. COL-GIS agreed to devote a two-hour meeting at the Annual Conference in Anaheim for a deliberation on e-government to frame these issues.

Both Legislation Committee members and the GODORT Councilor were extremely busy working on six resolutions which were endorsed in principle: (1) Resolution on Tribal College Library Membership in the Federal Depository Library Program, (2) Resolution on Government Printing Office FY 2009 Appropriations, (3) Resolution on Full Funding of the Federal Digital System, (4) Resolution on Safeguarding Electronic Government Information and E-Government, (5) Resolution Acknowledging the Courage of Mr. Bassem Youssef; and (6) Resolution Opposing Postal Rate Increases for Small Circulation Publications. A Memorial Resolution Remembering Robert Oakley was still being developed. Two controversial topics were also discussed by ALA Council. The opening up of the electronic lists of ALA units was referred to the Task Force on Electronic Communication. The Task Force will report in 2009. Meanwhile the Protocol for Responding to a Formal Request for an ALA Position was tabled.

In Memoriam: GODORT lost two colleagues last year. Robert Oakley, AALL Washington affairs representative and director of the law library and professor of law at Georgetown University, died unexpectedly September 29, 2007,
and Vivian Moorhouse of GPO. Bill Sleeman called for a moment of silence to honor the memory of Moorhouse, who died on December 7, 2007. Sleeman read a statement in her honor recognizing her forty years of service to the GPO and the Library Programs Service.

For the complete minutes, please see the GODORT web site at www.ala .org/ala/godort/godortminutes.—Aimée
C. Quinn, GODORT Past Chair

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Displays for LSU Middleton's Government Documents Department

Schedule for Upcoming Docs Department Displays/Events

I. Current through May 30:
Tax season information.

II. June 2 through Sept 5:
Convention/Presidential Election.

III. Sept.8-Nov. 7:
The Complete Persepolis—graphic novel for LSU summer reading program. Government Documents will have a display and an event in conjunction with LSU Centers for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's Summer Reading Program.

IV. Nov. 10-end of year:
“How a Bill Becomes a Law” : featuring GPO poster and documents used as examples of stages in the legislative process.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

News from Spring DLC

Spring DLC was held in Kansas City, MO this year. Please visit the FDLP Desktop to link to the proceedings and other materials available from the conference. I'd like to keep the dialogue about it on this blog limited to specific questions that you may have regarding any of the meetings or panels that interest or confound you. Please look over the proceedings and post away!

If we keep this forum open, and I don't have an answer, maybe someone else will.

Monday, April 7, 2008

GODORT Resolutions Crafted at ALA Midwinter

ALA GODORT UPDATE: The ALA Godort Legislation Committee met four times during the Midwinter meeting and, among other business, crafted the following resolutions: "Resolution on Tribal College Library Membership in the Federal Depository Library Program"; "Resolution on Full Funding for the Federal Digital System [FDsys]"; and "Resolution on Government Printing Office FY 2009 Appropriations." A fourth resolution, "Resolution on Safeguarding Electronic Government Information and E-Government," was drafted and approved at a joint meeting with COL-GIS (Committee on Legislation-Government Information Subcommittee).