Thursday, October 1, 2015

Government Shutdown Avoided Just in Time

What follows is a message I sent out to Bayoudoc-L just a bit ago.  If you missed it in your inbox, please read now and respond appropriately.  I hope to see quite a few of you there!  I know how hard it is to get funding; but, especially for you new coordinators, attending an FDLP/DLC Conference/Meeting is an experience that can cement all of the ideas and ideals of the FDLP together into something meaningful and coherent!


Today is a good day—a government shutdown has been (temporarily?) avoided; and those of us planning on being at the FDLP/DLC meeting in Arlington/DC can, hopefully, stop worrying that we will have to cancel flights, rooms, etc.

I believe that I sent out an email some time ago asking who from Louisiana would be attending.  So much has happened since then that I could use a refresher.  So, if you are going to be at the FDLP/DLC conference/meeting this month, please let me know.  If you are going to be there, I will then forward to you details about two lunch meetings taking place to which you will probably want to go. 

The first is the usual lunch between Regionals and their Selectives.  Since both Abigail and I will be there, we’ve got the Regionals covered—we just need to know which Selectives we will be lunching with. 

The second is a lunch meeting with the ASERL area libraries.  Again, the Regionals are expected to attend; and their Selectives are invited to participate.  It will be a great opportunity to learn more about ASERL and its Collaborative Federal Depository Program (an important element of which is the ASERL Disposition Database that we all now use for our N&O processes). 

So, tell me if you’ll be there; and I can forward all of the pertinent info to you.  Arlington/DC in early fall is usually lovely—the weather still sunny but getting “crisp” enough to need a jacket—especially at night. Quite a treat for us Louisianans for whom fall is just a word for what happens after you trip.