Monday, April 7, 2008

GODORT Resolutions Crafted at ALA Midwinter

ALA GODORT UPDATE: The ALA Godort Legislation Committee met four times during the Midwinter meeting and, among other business, crafted the following resolutions: "Resolution on Tribal College Library Membership in the Federal Depository Library Program"; "Resolution on Full Funding for the Federal Digital System [FDsys]"; and "Resolution on Government Printing Office FY 2009 Appropriations." A fourth resolution, "Resolution on Safeguarding Electronic Government Information and E-Government," was drafted and approved at a joint meeting with COL-GIS (Committee on Legislation-Government Information Subcommittee).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this sounds really nerdy of me, but the day that FDsys debuts to the public, I'm going to throw a the library AND at my house.